Top 10 Songs for School (With Video Clips)

Posted by in childrens songs, Songs for Schools

Whether you’re seeking a song for a particular occasion or are idly browsing the web for inspiration, these top 10 songs for schools will get your class singing, clapping and stamping their feet in no time. These popular school songs for children are brought to you on behalf of Out of the Ark, a leading children’s songwriter and publisher.

Top 10 School Songs

The School Rule Song

“Put your hand up, don’t call out / Sit up straight and please don’t shout…” Lay the ground rules at the beginning of term with this classic school song, and it’ll give you something to refer back to when your class is acting up.

Harvest Samba

“It’s another Harvest Festival / When we bring our fruit and vegetables / ‘Cause we want to share the best of all / The good things that we’ve been given.” A fun and funky song with a cool samba flavour – ideal for livening up your harvest festival celebration between readings.

Leavers’ Song

“This is our leavers’ song, / We’re proud of what you’ve done. / Many happy times we’ve had / And many happy songs we’ve sung.” Remind your class of all the good times they have had with this veritable tear-jerker of a leavers’ song.

Wake Up!

“Wake up! Wake up! / Give yourself a shake up, / Get your body moving. / Reach up, jump up, / Give your friend the ‘thumbs up’! / It’s another new day!” Get them going in the morning and bust the post-lunchtime lethargy with this stimulating song.

Spring Chicken

“My legs are not long so I’ll never be tall, / But I’m a real spring chicken / And I’m having a ball!” Perfect for wiping away the winter cobwebs, this lively little number will leave your class feeling energised and ready for the Easter holidays.

Living and Learning

“The earth it keeps turning, / Everything around us is a-moving along. / We’re living and learning, / Living and a-learning as the day goes on.” The perfect school anthem, this memorable song will provide children with a code by which to go about their time at primary school and the years that follow.

Everywhere Around Me

“Everywhere around me / I can see the hand of God, / The evidence surrounds me / In the greatness of His world.” Open children’s eyes to the wonders of the world around them with this simple portrayal of divine creation.


“Under the chestnut tree, / There waits for me, / A sight so marv’llous to behold. / Amidst the autumn leaves, / It gleams at me, / A conker, beautiful and bold.” Get your class in the autumn spirit with this jolly little ditty about a timeless playground game.

Harvest Song

“There’s a song to sing as the harvest comes in, / To the One who gives sunshine and rain. / Let us all join in with a thank-offering, / For the harvest that’s gathered again.” Encourage children to give thanks for what they have with this poignant reminder of the meaning behind the harvest festival.


“We are here together, together, together, / We are here together, everyone. / What we do together, together, together, / What we do together, we do as one.” Reinforce the community spirit in your school with this uplifting song about getting along with others.

Out of the Ark writes and publishes a fantastic range of songbooks for school. All the above titles and many other besides are available with Words on Screen, simplifying synchronisation and making singing more enjoyable and accessible for all.

Browse the full range at and order lyrics, sheet music and digital resources for delivery online today.