Interesting Articles

How To Deal With Incontinence

Posted by in Incontinence Products

Incontinence is a topic that is rarely publicly discussed widely; as for those who suffer from it, it can be very distressing and embarrassing.  What many don’t realise, however is that it is a common issues with millions of people affected by the condition in one way or another throughout the world.


Caring For People With Dementia – What Can Be Done?

Posted by in Caring For Someone With Dementia, Dementia

Dementia is a condition that involves the loss of cognitive ability in a person. This occurs in a way that is different from the normal levels expected through aging. Sometimes it can have a progressive effect due to disease or damage, or be static (remain the same) if the sufferer has had an injury to their brain. Dementia is more prevalent in older people, however it can happen prior to aging and this is known as early onset Dementia.