Interesting Articles

Top 8 Sunday School Activities for Easter

Posted by in church, easter songs, sunday school

Tell the story of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection with these interactive Sunday school activities for Easter. In a society where the meaning of Easter has been obscured by the legions of chocolate bunnies and eggs lining supermarket shelves, valuable resources for Sunday schools can be difficult to come by. They are out there – it just takes a bit of looking. With this in mind, I thought I would share some of my best finds to help anyone who might be in need of some inspiration. Easter ideas for Sunday schools Have an…read more

5 Stimulating and Fun Ways to Teach the Easter Story

Posted by in childrens activities, childrens songs, easter songs, education

As Easter approaches, there’s usually one thing on children’s minds: chocolate. And with cute bunnies and chicks dominating homes, shops and TV channels, it can be easy for them to forget or overlook the true meaning behind Easter. Here you’ll find some fun ways to teach the Easter story that will keep children on their toes whilst reinforcing the significance of this important time of year. Bring the Easter story to life with these creative ideas for teachers, parents and Sunday schools Easter songs Music provides one of the best…read more

Easter Assembly Ideas for Primary Schools

Posted by in childrens songs, easter songs, primary school songs, Songs for Schools

If you’re looking to conduct a school assembly this Easter, look no further. These Easter assembly ideas for primary schools include links to a variety of carefully chosen scripts, songbooks and resources for KS1 and KS2 to help you find the perfect songs and readings for your school. Easter Assembly Songs for Children Singing is always a great way to kick-start an assembly and help everyone reflect on what they have learned at the end. Find two or three catchy Easter songs to coincide with your readings, with a good…read more

Best Easter Activities for Primary School Students

Posted by in easter songs, education

Stuck for classroom ideas this Easter? These handpicked Easter activities for primary school students include a wide range of inspiring tips and ideas that will help you educate and celebrate with your class. I have selected activities that are suited to both Christian and secular schools, enabling you to pick whichever ones you think most fitting.