Interesting Articles

How To Deal With Incontinence

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Incontinence is a topic that is rarely publicly discussed widely; as for those who suffer from it, it can be very distressing and embarrassing.  What many don’t realise, however is that it is a common issues with millions of people affected by the condition in one way or another throughout the world.


Coping With Adult Incontinence

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What Is Adult Incontinence? One of the issues that faces modern society, is that of an aging population. With people living longer however, then they often require additional care and develop more health issues. One of these health issues, that isn’t often discussed, is that of adult incontinence. Urinary incontinence is a problem that although not often talked about is very common. Statistics show that around 200 million people worldwide suffer from one form of urinary incontinence.


What Is Adult Incontinence?

Posted by in Incontinence Products

What Is Adult Incontinence? What Can Be Done To Help It? Urinary Incontinence, affects between 3-6 Million adults in the UK to one degree or another. Urinary Incontinence, is defined as an involuntary leakage of urine. It is often distressing and more common than people may think, and usually there is a treatable medical condition which if resolved should alleviate the problem.